Raising Financial Support for Monarch Nation
The Old Dominion Athletic Foundation, commonly referred to as the ODAF, was established in 1964 with the mission to provide the resources necessary for the success of Old Dominion Athletics and our student-athletes. The ODAF is the channel through which our fans and alumni can partner with our coaches and student-athletes for the advancement of the athletics program.
Your Donations Support Our Student-Athletes
Our annual goal is to fundraise 45% of our annual scholarship bill. This year that number stands at approximately $5,000,000. Our unrestricted annual fund helps to cover this amount along with premium seating revenues and donations to student-athlete scholarships. Your annual gift is critical to our success in providing championship resources in the classroom, in athletic competition, and in life. Follow our progress below and thank you for supporting ODU Athletics!
Because of You
Donor Spotlight
Dr. Pat Baker
Dr. Baker is a former pitcher for the Old Dominion baseball team and volunteer on the ODU medical staff for over 30 years!
Upcoming Events
Sep. 5 - 10:00 AM
ODU Men's Basketball Golf Tournament
Cedar Point Club
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Sep. 25 - 5:30 PM
Monarch Mingle | An Evening with ODU Women's Basketball
ICON Apartments 24th Floor Rooftop Sky Lounge | 321 East Main Street, Norfolk VA
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Aug. 10 - 8:00 AM
Big Blue 5K
Norfolk, VA
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Sep. 6 - 6:00 PM
Jeff and Billye Chernitzer Athletics Hall of Fame - Dinner & Induction Ceremony
Chartway Arena
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Oct. 9 - 12:00 PM
Meet the Monarchs | Introducing the 2024 Men's Basketball Monarchs
Big Blue Room @ Chartway Arena
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